Monday, September 08, 2008

A Question

The other day I received this email from Simeon:

If T and E multiplied by T = Book
And if F and A multiplied by E and D = Sent
Then what does T and O multiplied by I and C =
a, Boat
b, Poison
c, Phone
Answer plus reason please!!

When I finally figured it out I gave my answer and reason in the following manner:

H. and W. were walking down the street, avoiding puddles and deep in conversation.
"Let's review the facts of the case, my dear W." said H.
"Yes," replied W., "I confess that it all appears to me as nothing but a muddle."
"This morning at 9 o'clock the body of T. was found in the City Library with a book in one hand and a phone in the other. The librarian, Miss E., had the misfortune of finding the corpse and, she claims, the book in his hand was Boat Sense, an exceedingly dull book only of interest to aspiring boaters."
"Yes, yes, that's all clear."
"Well then, this is where you must follow me closely. The janitor, a certain Mr. T., - no relation to T. so far as I can gather - who came when he heard Miss E. scream, holds that the title of the book was The Sent of Poison. But this must surely be a mispronunciation, and he must have meant the book was The Scent of Poison by the well know novelist F. A. Boat."
"Which could account for Miss E. mistaking the title of the book," interjected W., "She would have seen the Scent and the Boat and being in a state of confusion, what with the dead body and all, jumped to conclusions and..."
"My dear W., it is you who are doing the jumping. You always are too keen to think the good of everybody. No, she did not mistake anything. You are forgetting, as you usually do, that in T.'s other hand he held a phone. And that the last number to be rung on that phone was a cellphone number belonging to an individual from the city. From this we can deduct that Miss E. was clearly covering for a unknown party, who for the sake of simplicity we will call X. Now, as you can imagine I saw this as an obvious clue. Elementary, in fact. And it has led me to suspect that Mr. E and Mrs. D of the Multiple Textual Omissions Society are not at all what they claim to be. It fact, from a faxed editorial sent to me by a friend, my suspicions were proved to be correct. From this we were quickly able to round up most of the gang. T. was already accounted for, the sad victim of the jealous rival for the hand of Miss E. O. and I. I found at the nearby cinema engaged in the dubious activity of throwing popcorn at the screen. And C. was cornered in the Rental Fiction section reading a work of more than usual atrocious sentimentality. The only one who was missing was the culprit himself, X. It was at that moment that I remembered that today was Monday, and not a public holiday at that. Therefore, with all haste I caught the tram to the quay and arrived just in time to see X's escape boat sinking into the inky depths carrying the murderer to a ghastly, but not altogether unjust, death."
"You astound me, H." cried W.
"That may be," replied H., "But we are still left with the question of the murder weapon. Was it the boat, the phone, or the glass of sherry left on the library table?"
"But I would have thought it was the book," started W.
"No, W. Why can you never see? It was the sherry. It was poisoned."


Andy said...

Wow, well written Jono. I totally don't understand it, but it's still cool.

I voted North and South in your poll btw.

Livi said...

I agree!

Simeon said...

Yes a well written story leading to the correct answer.

And again Yes if you follow andy's way of studying you probably won't have a clue ;)

Anna-Ruth said...

Hehe, I practicaly do... so I guess I'll never get it!
Isabella ;)

And Jono, you need a new poll!

Jono said...

Beg pardon, but you practically do what?

And it's not meant to be understood.

New poll forth coming.

Anna-Ruth said...

Well, I did (in a way) understand that.

And about that poll,
I never do internet polls anyway.
Well if they don't they're not exactly going to vote, are they?

Anna-Ruth said...

You changed it to white!

Andy said...

Heheh, I like your new blog template Jono mate. And I voted in your poll too, because it's quite funny. Yawn, what else was I going to say... Um, hows this, it's 3:20am and I have a 9am lecture...

(shivers convulsively)

Uh, I think that's about it mate.

over and out.

Anna-Ruth said...

Ah,who wants to? That's just too awful to think about!

Anna-Ruth said...

Jono can you make another poll? Please!