Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Here's Something

I'm told I need a new post. Which is probably a fair comment. Right ho. I hereby publicly announce this: Red Roses is dead, I do not know what happens next, nor do I particularly care how Sebastian ends up. There. I've said it. So if anyone goes giving me some really good ideas, I dare say I'll take it all back.
You know, I have half a mind to be serious, and write some commentary on society or review one of my favourite books to attempt the conversion of my readers to my way of thinking. Then again, I could just squander fifteen minutes of my life and write some utter bilge about what I'm going to write. Say! that sounds like more than half a plan.
Right, so the reason there's been no post here for such a while, is mainly because I've had much better things to do. Like write other things. There was one project that I perhaps ambitiously called a child's novel, and was getting along at rather decently with it. But then, suddenly, while (properly) I was reading my Bible, an idea for a fairy tale struck me smack! between the optical organs.
So as soon as I was able I sat me down with my laptop at the ready and, on the first day, spat out 6600 words. Now, for me, who would usually spend a couple of hours maybe rewriting the same 300 words or so several times over, that is plain incredible. If not phenomenal.
So guess what will be appearing here soon! I'll just sort out a kink or two in the beginning, and it should be good.
So, there you have it. I wouldn't bother reading this, if I were you, it serves absolutely no purpose.


Cinnamey said...

Oh yeah, thanks for the warning at the end of the post. Was jolly useful. Rather sad that R.R. died, but o well.

Andy said...

commentary on society sounds interesting!

Nath moore said...
